Friday, October 12, 2012

Call for Content: IFRT Report

Call for Content

Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) Newsletter

The editors of The IFRT Report invite articles, news stories, conference reports, intellectual freedom events and news to be published in the next issue of The IFRT Report. Content should be in the form of articles or news reports addressing censorship, challenges to library materials, Banned Book Week events in your state and community, state legislative efforts threatening freedom of expression, academic freedom threats, book reviews and intellectual freedoms concerns in general. State library association reports from Intellectual Freedom Committee chairs are welcome. Articles should be limited to 1000-1500 words and written for the library practitioner. 

The issue will be co-edited by Bridget O’Leary, Central New Mexico Community College Library Instruction Coordinator (boleary at cnm dot edu) and Dr. John B. Harer, Associate Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Library Science, Esat Carolina University (harerj at ecu dot edu

Please submit proposals to editors (contact above) by email as soon as possible; articles will be due to the editors no later than November 1, 2012. Questions can be directed to either of the editors.