Friday, April 30, 2010

Congratulations new IFRT officers!

Congratulations to the newly elected slate of IFRT officers:

Carrie Gardner(Chair Elect)
Jonathan Reynolds (Treasurer)
Pamela Klipsch Director-at-Large
Eric Seuss Director-at-Large

And thanks to everyone who ran and who voted.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Choose Privacy!

I would like everyone who hasn't already to check out Privacy Revolution's link. At my university in Miami, FL, I have organized a book display along with a screen projection of several of the videos posted at the above site. Collaborating with a journalism professor, Student Government Association, and Campus Life Activities, we will host e a forum on campus in our student center at the close of Privacy Week next Friday. I would like to see this week take off much in the same way Banned Books Week has. It would be fantastic to have these kind of discussions with grade-school children and really foster an understanding of privacy issues in the 21st century. Have a great upcoming week!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

beware of good intentions

Here's an interesting item from North Carolina that showed up in my local newspaper. It seems that in the state's eagerness to collect more revenue they are pursuing online sales, and the state is asking what books people are buying from Amazon. The Charlotte Observer took a stand for privacy: "Beyond being morally wrong and an invasion of privacy, that could have a dramatic chilling effect on people buying books they want or need"

Friday, April 2, 2010

Library Can't Ban Sex offenders

Citing 'an unacceptable risk of the suppression of ideas' and the First Amendment rights of sex offenders, Judge Christina Armijo of the Second District Court ruled that Albuquerque’s regulation banning sex offenders from libraries is unconstitutional.

More details in the New Mexico Independent